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RBT: Как увеличить доход от RBT? (26.12.2011)  

26.12.2011 17:23 От: ABloud

How to increase revenue from RBT?

It's no secret that the RBT-service has always been a source of high and stable income both for mobile operators, and for content providers and aggregators. However, today there is an opinion that the RBT market is in a zone of saturation and steady profit growth from this service is impossible. The company INTECH disagrees with the existing skepticism and claims that the service has a potential and thus continues to develop one of the key activities of the company.

During 2011 INTECH has made a number of actions to promote and develop the most profitable segment of VAS - market. The company has drastically reconsidered its approach to the RBT service, with an emphasis on attracting an audience from the WEB environment. To improve the portals for the sale of RBT-melodies and their realization as online-music shops, a powerful and unique functional was introduced on the most of RBT-sales windows.

Considering an enormous interest of Internet users to social networks, the button “I like / Retweet / like / Class” have been added to the RBT-portals, the press of which allows to publish information on the melodies on the users’ page in such popular social networks as «Facebook», «Twitter», «Vkontakte» and «Odnoklassniki». Then the hundred of friends see this information in the news lines of their accounts, and they, in turn, can either go to the service website to look through a catalogue and purchase content or share a link with their friends. This function helps to attract additional users of the RBT-service and increase content sales by 5%. The next step to increase sales at the platforms aggregated by INTECH was the introduction of CRM systems. Analyzing the users’ musical preferences based on their previous purchases and any other activities on our RBT-service portal, the most interesting content is available for the users in a special section "You'll like it". Such a personalized approach has allowed to achieve the increase of customers’ loyalty.

The company INTECH also has realized an option of an internal social network through which subscribers can communicate with other service users directly at the RBT-service WEB-portal. This opportunity has not only increased attendance to a resource, but also has affected users’ active participation in one more innovation on the RBT-portals. In order to simplify the melodies search we have added on our projects a rating «Top of sympathies», formation of which is based on subscribers’ voting.

As a result of the changes, the content- and service- provider INTECH has managed to create the service rapidly developing and interesting for end-users. Moreover, INTECH has made specific growth in sales and increase in RBT-service customer’s base. So sales on some projects through the WEB-interface increased by more than 30% of the total.

Алексей Бойко, редактор MForum.ru

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